The movie Three Kings is a dark-humored filmed  directed by David O. Russell. It takes place in the 1991 Iraqi uprising against Saddam Hussein. Three American soldiers played by George Clooney, Mark Wahlberge and Ice Cube, go on a journey to kind the gold that Iraq stole from Kuwait. A map that they found leaded them to a bunker in the middle of the dessert, where millions of dollars of gold is hidden, Deeper into their journey, the soldiers find a lot of lost/ stranded Iraqi citizens that are trying to stay alive. After finding the gold, they made an agreement with the iraqis to take them to the Iranian border if they helped them carry the gold. Disobeying the law, they take them to the border where the US military catch up with them and detain them. Fortuantly they made it safely across the border and the three soldiers   

In the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, 4 soldiers set out to steal gold that was stolen from Kuwait, but they discover people who desperately need their help.


The conflicts between Iran and Iraq where fought over religious reasons and oil resources. In 1980, the conflict between Iran and Iraq started when the Shiite revolution occurred in Iran and the Shah was replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini. This crisis alarmed the Sunni leader in Iraq, who's name is Saddam Hussein. The Kjomeini hated Americans therefore the USA supported Iraq. Fear that the revolution would eventually spread to Iraq, a war broke out. This war was over religion, and in 1988 the UN finally halted the revolution and formed a treaty. Saddam Hussein feared about the spread of Shiite Islam and killed many Kurds and Shiites who were living in his own country. In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait which ordered the USA to place sanction on Iraq to pull out. A coalition was formed against Iraq and 30 countries joined. They believed that if Israel joined the coalition, they would lose some of the Arab support. However Saddam Hussein tried to get Israelis involved and by doing this he decided to fire missiles at them. All in all, the crisis between Iran and Iraq were brought together and fought over religion. 

There were many outcomes of the four Arab-Israeli wars, the first one being the Suez Crisis in 1956. When Nasser -the President of Egypt- nationalized the Suez Canal, the change of the influence changed power in the region from British and French to Russian and American. They had a secret deal that the French and British would join in once this happened. This made the USA to threaten to cut off the oil supply if they didn't back out. In 1967, the 6 Day War occurred when Nasser ordered the UN Peacekeeping forced to leave the Suez Canal. The Egyptians tried to attack Israel by getting close to their border but the Israelis attacked first with the help of intelligence that knew Egypt's plan to invade. The war lasted 6 days, and it consisted of taking over Sinai peninsula, Golan Heights, and West Bank. The Israelis were destroying the Egyptians until the USA needed to interfere and stopped the attack from continuing. In 1973, the Holiday the Yom Kippur the Egyptians planned another attack. After the USA sent aid to Israel, the war ended. In 1978, President Carter hosted a Peace Treaty called the Camp David Accords which was between the Egyptians and Israelis, and they agreed on Land for Peace.  

France and Britain made the crisis much worst in the Middle East region following World War 1 because of the break of the Ottoman Empire and the Balfour Declaration. After the Ottoman empire was broken up in 1916, French and Britain divided the territories into mandates; this was known as the Sykes-Picot agreement. Their main interest was focused on the rich oil and the convenience of the Suez Canal that was used as a short cut to Asia. This split up caused a lot of tension and conflicting means within the Middle East. The other main cause was the Balfour Declaration which was an agreement in 1917 by the British to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine. They also promised the Arabs independence in the region. This was the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict. After the Holocaust, many Jews left Germany and migrated to Israel. In 1947- by trying to help- the UN suggested a partition which clearly made the Jews satisfied but unfortunately left the Arabs angry. After hearing rumors about the Arabs planning an attack, the Jews attack the Arab League countries and won territory from the partition. The UN's intention of creating world peace was a fail in this situation, by trying to make everyone happy just resulted in a war.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

